About us

Crytel Mauritius Limited is a listed entity under Stock Exchange of Mauritius and is an investment holding and commodity trading company, incorporated in the year 2020 and has its headquarters based in Mauritius.

Crytel is emerging to become a market specialist in commodity trading of refined metals and prioritises to supply superior quality materials to its client base.
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Likewise, Crytel is gaining a reputation as a steadfast company in the industry, it has built robust connections with top-tier miners and metal processors, industrial consumers and major financial institutions.

The primary focus of the company is to grow by sustaining margins, for which the Company adopts ‘back to back’ business model that helps to reduce inventory carrying costs.

Crytel integrates a zero-price risk approach – by synchronizing purchase and sales contracts to curtail risk of price fluctuations. Besides, Company handles the price risks via product diversification mechanisms; it has put together assorted product mix that tailors to multiple intensities across ferrous and non-ferrous value chain requirements.[/su_expand]

Investment Holdings

Crytel Mauritius Limited’s business interests consist of sole ownership, joint ventures, and equity stakes in leading companies across the globe with operations in the Middle East, Africa, Europe, and Asia. Specializes in developing new global business opportunities across a wide range of sectors.
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With its strong team of experienced professionals having expertise in both local and international business, highly skilled in identifying the commercial potential of probable opportunities and enabling them to become successful business entities. Our experienced professionals are fully prepared to follow individual projects every step of the way.[/su_expand]

Present Investments

After making a mark in the Asian & European continent, Crytel Mauritius Limited is targeting a high potential African market. Further, it has invested in PP Metal Recycling Limited and Metallurgy International Limited to diversify its reach across the globe.
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Crytel Mauritius Limited is deliberating various options for acquiring prospective companies – under consideration options are processing plants and trading businesses. In addition, multiple investment alternatives are being studied concurrently to select the most suitable and high-yielding business in the long run.[/su_expand]

Our Growth Projection

Crytel Mauritius Limited as a group has predicted growth of reaching a top line of US$1 billion and a bottom line of US$27 million for the period 2021. With a steady growth of reaching a top line of US$2 billion in 2022 to US$3 billion in 2024 and a bottom line of US$33 million in 2022 to US$50 million in 2024 respectively.

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All units are in the millions

Corporate Social Responsibility

We value our reputation for honesty, integrity, ethical behavior and high moral standards. It is the groups policy to comply with all country and territorial laws that pertain to our overall business activities. These laws include but are not limited to labor and employment, privacy, customs and taxation, international trade and environmental laws.

Crytel also abides by its firm environmental policy of continuously progressing towards a more environmentally friendly infrastructure, including regular reassessments of its operations, encouraging sustainable workplace practices and fostering an environmentally-conscious organizational culture.
[su_expand more_text=”Show more” less_text=”Show less” height=”24″ text_color=”#ffffff” link_color=”#ffffff” link_align=”center”]We constantly monitor how our business activities affect the environment, the people, the communities and the employees. We refrain from activities that harm or cause discomfort to the earth or the people and work on advancing the growth and development of the community.

Crytel is committed to sustaining a world-class industry, enacting business practices for the betterment of society. Our members contribute to humanity by trading in a high quality material that both helps build our society and reduces impacts for future generations. We respect human rights and actively develop people who will contribute to society by nurturing them and giving them opportunities to apply their skills.

We integrate these concerns into our business operation and develop a self-regulating business model that helps us achieve our corporate social responsibilities.[/su_expand]

Target Market

The Target Markets are Asia, the Middle East, Europe, Africa, and America as detailed below:

  • Asia: Singapore, Korea, Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, Malaysia, Thailand, India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh
  • Middle East: United Arab Emirates and Oman
  • Europe: Switzerland, United Kingdom, Poland, Spain, France, Italy
  • Africa: Nigeria, Seychelles, Uganda, Rwanda
  • America: Canada, Brazil

Key Milestones

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Organization Structure

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SWOT Analysis

  • Strong management team
  • Asset light business model
  • Low-cost business model
  • Strong internal controls and risk mitigation policies and implementation
  • dependency on material sourcing from manufacturers, miners or large traders in competition with other traders
  • low profit margins require higher volumes to increase return on capital
  • in discussion to tie up for long term supply arrangements through product tolling arrangement with manufacturers and raw materials sourcing through miners
  • increased demand of base metals from countries like China, Taiwan, Korea, India etc
  • tying up real time inventory solution for certain large steel producers for annuity earnings
  • ready infrastructure and cost effective set up to start new product trading desk
  • increased transportation costs and reduced availability of vessels
  • increased cost of insurance – marine & credit
  • geo – political trade conflicts and threats from tariffs and sanctions
  • product availability
  • price volatility
  • umes to increase return on capital